TEIJIN FRONTIER (U.S.A.), INC. will be moving to a new location.
We are excited to announce Teijin Frontier USA will be moving to a new location. As workspace needs
evolve and we respond to new digital trends in global business management, our office will be relocated
and renovated to better accommodate a more dynamic work environment.
Good news for our frequent visitors, we will maintain our building location at 1412 Broadway and shift
our operations a short distance from the 11th to the 15th floor. The 11th floor office will close on
November 24th to 30th to facilitate the move and in recognition of the Thanksgiving Holiday. Starting
December 1st, 2020, you can find us at our new location.
Please update your records with our new address listed below:
1412 Broadway
New York, NY 10018
All other contact information including our telephone, fax, and email addresses will remain the same. If
you have any questions, please feel free to contact me or your Teijin Frontier representative at any time.
We appreciate your business, and for your understanding and support during this transition. Look
forward to providing the same great service from our new location!